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See also: Let the Internet Fix America
An individual choice: Local Resistance

A Letter to a Generation


The current horrors — will not be stopped by politicians and/or lawyers. Those efforts were tried unsuccessfully during the Vietnam era, which you may be too young to remember. They will never work today despite thoughtful analytical essays, websites, petitions, conferences, etc.

The generation to which this letter is directed MUST BE HONORED in future history for PREVENTING THE FASCIST TAKEOVER OF OUR NATION.

They intend to confine you to a 'fifteen minute city' (living area). That is just the beginning of their permanently locked-down life plan for controlling human beings in the UK, Japan, Russia, Canada, countries in which ELITE-CONTROLLED GOVERNMENTS CONFISCATED FIREARMS FROM THE PEOPLE.

U.S. government schools removed the subject of civics. American teachers were stopped from teaching their students about America's REPRESENTATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. FREEDOM, cherished by Americans, WILL END FOREVER unless this generation organizes to preserve it.

Here is some recent history you probably didn't learn in a government school. Prior to the Vietnam War there was a murderous war made in Korea (1951-1954). Roughly twenty years later more than fifty thousand young Americans were killed and tens of thousands injured and crippled in Vietnam. U.S. corporations, financed by America's Central Bankers and Wall Street, manufactured equipment for the enemy that killed U.S. troops as they had previously done during two hugely murderous World Wars. The Pentagon's top military career men and the corporations holding government contracts were getting richer and richer. Read the research of Antony Sutton at . . . Professor Sutton was attacked, unsurprisingly, by the IRS.

Ohio's Governor Rhodes activated his state's National Guard. It shot and killed four students, and wounded eight or nine other non-protesting students on the campus of Kent State University due to an anti-war demonstration. Believe it or not, the television viewing public was overwhelmingly critical of the students, not of the National Guard or of Ohio's governor. Network television portrayed the famous peace symbol as being 'un-American' and promoted war, as usual. A youthful President Kennedy opposed expanding the Vietnam plans. He was eliminated. Given that agenda, how could the U.S. government's activities in Vietnam (that were importing tons of cocaine into the USA) be brought to an end?

The college-age generation became fed up with their current government's actions. College students held military draft cards. When any war protest arose they were happy to support it. Many went to Canada to avoid being sent to the jungles of Vietnam. Antiwar protests began as a campus centered thing. Starting at the University of Wisconsin, they spread to the state colleges, and then to Berkeley in CA, Columbia in NYC, and elsewhere. Christian clerics became outspoken protesters and tossed animal blood around a draft board office. War protesters chained themselves to columns of government buildings in Washington D.C. Protests, riots and violence (against property, not humans) erupted throughout the country.

That is what was required to finally stop the war, active mass protests. I visited the college that I graduated from years earlier (Ohio State University, in Columbus, Ohio). Having grown a ponytail, I joined the long-haired kids. Many respectable Americans were horrified and, prompted by televised images of 'unruly, hippy, pot-smoking beatniks', many parents turned against their own children and unwittingly defended a criminal government's financial ambitions for the whole of Southeast Asia. Where was your car built, HIROSHIMA? You are probably too young to remember, as do I, the criminal slaughter done, on behalf of Wall Street, to that desirable port city's civilian population.

Here is how a younger generation changed America's international policy and finally stopped the killings in Vietnam. Every year a bill came up in Congress to fund the war. It was euphemistically titled something like funding for aid to South Vietnam. Guess what! When President Ford sent it to Congress for signing, he was shocked and amazed when the politicians (although compromised as ever) declined to sign it. There was no more money to continue the war. Simple as that. You might wonder, why did the lobbied guys in Congress not sign the bill, as usual? They were terrified to return to their districts if they signed it. Their hometowns were partially ablaze. We did that. The NY Review of Books had great anti-war articles by Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and others. They were read by a small intellectual minority. Without increasingly active defensive mass protests who knows how much farther and longer the Pentagon's war-mongers, the CIA, and the U.S. Congress would have gone? Mass protests that faced resistance stopped the bloodshed, not philosophy, peace marches, essays, car signs, tattoos and T-shirts.

Petitions, a vote, lawsuits, etc., are interesting. Drafting, presenting, defending, and implementing litigation is like watching paint dry. More talk just encourages billionaire psychopaths who are intent upon destroying our country and directing the entire planet by establishing their own world government. Public debates, unenforced laws, internet essays and videos let our unelected rulers sense that all is well for themselves as long as they can continue to hoodwink Americans with propaganda (news broadcasts) over their television networks. We need to do the job through online recruitment and immediate media-replacement activity regardless of what others think or say. Remember the Vietnam era. Look up the speech by Mario Savio in California. It is applicable today.


There are enough persons using the internet today that by the time that this program becomes unacceptable to the dreadful few, we will have planted the seeds to grow into massive organized resistance.

Perhaps violence (against property only) will be unnecessary. We are many. They are few! We are armed to the teeth for personal protection, unlike the disarmed unfortunate abused citizens in Canada, the UK, Australia, and much of Europe. Americans are equipped to protect their Liberty thanks to the historical knowledge, and the foresight of those who signed the U.S. Constitution, including its Second Amendment which was drafted specifically for the crisis that we face today and for protecting its first ten amendments, our cherished Bill of Rights:

The Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the freedom of assembly and the freedom to petition. It also prohibits unreasonable search and seizure, cruel and unusual punishment and compelled self-incrimination. Among the legal protections it affords, the Bill of Rights prohibits Congress from making any law respecting establishment of religion and prohibits the federal government from depriving any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law. In federal criminal cases it requires indictment by a grand jury for any capital offense, or infamous crime, guarantees a speedy public trial with an impartial jury in the district in which the crime occurred, and prohibits double jeopardy.

Young Americans came together, only a generation or two ago, Whites, Blacks, Jews, Gentiles, Hispanics, Asians, etc., those who valued national law, encoded in our U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights. That law confirms the fundamental right given to us, not from any government, but that comes from God, to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . . We Americans are blessed, protected by the legal right to freely assemble for liberty, peace, and personal survival, including the right to refuse more 'health injections'.

These are again the times that try men's souls. We, Americans of all ages and of a number of dissenting political viewpoints, both "pro-Trump" and "anti-Trump" activists must protest together, focusing on critical matters. Organize in masses initially. Show up in numbers. Do not fall for debating fringe issues, however important. First things first:

  1. Stop the hoaxing, propagandizing, and panic-creating TV studios' paid monitor-reading stooges.
  2. Protect independent businesses, food-production, transportation, and electricity systems.
  3. Defend against the poisoning of foods and water, protect our farmers and agriculture.
  4. Support local law enforcement, sheriffs, fire and ambulance services, meet in schools and churches.
  5. Stop censorship. Defend Freedom of Speech. Protect medical professionals' independent decisions.

To put Americans against one another the usual suspects' scheme involves using television to headline and inflame a selected currently debated issue. Their primary purpose is to direct all resulting conflict or uprising from themselves and from the huge real threat posed by themselves.

It is not reasonable to expect any one man to succeed against so many powerful and evil traitors and wannabe tyrants. It is up to us, We the People, to rid our nation of big corporate bankers and the corporate elites who dominate America's lying media, the CDC, WHO, WBO, and UN. Defend yourselves, when necessary. Save your own future, the lives and health of your companions, your children and future generations.

Grasp the wisdom of THAT GOVERNMENT IS BEST WHICH GOVERNS LEAST. Direct your focus to your own families, neighbors, local communities, your local banks and depositor-owned credit unions. Protect and defend our great country's historically unique Constitutional Bill of Rights. This CAN be done. We have the numbers and the means to do it.

Demand freedom for yourselves, your families, and for future generations on this continent, as well as throughout the world. Put a stop to their WORLD WAR-III. Repeat Vietnam era protests. As George Carlin put it so well when speaking of politicians and their billionaire elite controllers, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU.

Note: Just so you don't have to look them up, here are Mario Savio's closing words:

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"

Are YOU going to help? Study and broadcast these two sites: NEWSWATCH.ORG and BIGEYE.ORG/INTERNET.HTM

An individual choice: LOCAL RESISTANCE.ORG

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